October 2015 Meeting with Brendan Murphy

October 2015 Meeting with Brendan Murphy

Saturday, 3 October 2015
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
The first hour will be an open discussion and we invite you to participate and share your passions, research and opinions.  Most of us have favourite topics, given we are all open minded and curious individuals.  We want to hear from you, whether it is about UFOs, ETs or current world situations. Brendan... Find out more
Annual General Meeting (AGM) with Dominic McNamara

Annual General Meeting (AGM) with Dominic McNamara

Saturday, 1 August 2015
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
The agenda for the Association's AGM will be a welcome address by the president, Mariana Flynn and presentation of her President's and Secretary's report.  Minutes of the 2014 AGM will be confirmed and adopted followed by the Treasurer's 2014/2015 financial report. Current committee members will vacate their positions followed by voting by members for appointment of the 2015/2016 committee and executive positions, followed by general business.... Find out more
July 2015 Meeting with Screening of Travis Walton Documentary

July 2015 Meeting with Screening of Travis Walton Documentary

Saturday, 4 July 2015
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Travis Walton is the American logger who had a close encounter with an UFO in 1975 in the Apache- Sitgreaves Mountains of Arizona.  He and his crew of six were just finishing their work clearing the underbrush when they saw a bright light in the forest.  They went to investigate, fearing it might be fire... Find out more
May 2015 Meeting with Suzanne Hansen (New Zealand)

May 2015 Meeting with Suzanne Hansen (New Zealand)

Saturday, 2 May 2015
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Speaker is Suzanne Hansen, UFO Researcher and Director of UFOCUS New Zealand.  Suzy has had a lifetime of experience with the Greys and was taught on the ships in preparation for future events. She was also shown and used their ‘conscious’ advanced technology and witnessed their way of life on... Find out more
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