March 2016 Meeting with Karen Mutton
Saturday, 5 March 2016
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Club Burwood
97 Burwood Road
Burwood, NSW (map)
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The meeting will open at 1 pm with a discussion. This is an opportunity for you to share your research and questions for discussion. If you have a topic of interest to discuss, we welcome your contribution.
Following the open discussion Karen Mutton will be our guest speaker on the state of the world economy. Karen is a global financial analyst.
This is a deviation from our usual topics but we felt it was timely, given the current world financial crisis. Karen is an author of five books and has lectured at various conferences, including Nexus in Australia. Her latest book is titled, ‘Threats to our Wealth’.
Karen believes their will be an economic crises that will dwarf the 2008 financial crisis in magnitude, duration and severity.
Karen will discuss problems in the world financial system, including the following:
• How banks and governments may be colluding to bail-in our money during a crisis
• How pension plans are at risk from governments
• The IMF may be planning to tax wealthy nations
• Cyber attacks on your bank accounts
• The risks of inflation and hyper-inflation
• How the gold and silver markets are manipulated
• The dangers of derivatives and bonds
• The possibility of ‘black swan’ events that may threaten our monetary system
Karen will have some of her books for sale at the meeting.
Meeting entry is $15 for members and $20 for non-members.
Parking is $4 at the Wilson car park directly behind the club. The Club is near to Burwood station.