Saturday, 5 October 2024
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Club Burwood

97 Burwood Road
Burwood, NSW (map)

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In April, Attila Kaldy spoke to us on his experiences in tracking the Yowie. It was an excellent presentation but State Rail were doing track work that day and many of you were disappointed, in not being able to come along. Luckily,  Attila has agreed to speak again, on a different, but equally fascinating subject. (please see below).
In the meantime, Attila’s colleague and friend Yowie Dan, also agreed to speak about his own research on the Australian Yowie.

Is a winning solution and we highly recommend both presentations not to be missed.

Yowie Dan has had 20 years of experience researching the Australian Yowie since his first encounter in 2005. He has gone to extraordinary lengths to hike through the hardest terrain to find evidence of this mystical creature. He was the head researcher for the documentaries: Track : Search for Australia’s Bigfoot (2020) and Tracking the Lore (2022) . His research has taken him to places such as Wee Jasper, Barrington Tops, and the Pilliga Forest. Dan will also display all the equipment he uses while out researching, and share stories of his time out in the bush.

For over a decade, award -winning filmmaker Attila Kaldy has returned time and time again to a location that he dubbed, the Australian Skinwalker Ranch. Hidden deep in a forest, this location was notorious for encounters of hauntings, spontaneous possessions, and other unexplained paranormal phenomena. Shadowed by unsettling mysteries, this site challenged the minds of researchers and skeptics alike. In his presentation, Attila will share some of the terrifying encounters that occurred there. 

Club Burwood
97 Burwood Road, Burwood

Saturday, 5 October 2024 
1 to 5pm

Admission: Members $15 / Non- members $20

CASH ONLY – no credit card facility


Train: Exist right  from Burwood Station and Club Burwood is on the opposite corner. 
Car:  $5 all day parking behind Club Burwood @ 36 George Street, Burwood.  

Important Notice 

FYI  State rail are conducting more track work November 2 which coincides with our November meeting – due to the very likelihood of a lower attendance, we cannot have a speaker, but are planning an entertaining afternoon – details to follow soon. 

So that makes, Dan and Attila our last speakers for the year and we couldn’t be happier with the choice. So please come along and join us for what will be a very intriguing and riveting afternoon. We are all excited for this one. 

Look forward to seeing you on Saturday the 5th.
Kind regards
UFOR Committee and Support Team, Maree, Leslie, Paul, Rudi, Skye and Steve.