Saturday, 7 September 2024
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Club Burwood
97 Burwood Road
Burwood, NSW (map)
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UFO Research is very pleased to be having Merlina Marcan presenting on the Orb Phenomena this coming month, Saturday 7 September.
Are we being visited by “Beings” from other Dimensions, Celestial Realities and Extraterrestrial Civilisations?
Merlina has written Our Destiny Lies Within Orb Truth providing good evidence that sentient beings from other realities do exist, and can project through the cosmos using the Orb Phenomena, as a means of transportation.
Through her personal cutting edge MFT method she has been able to capture images of ‘life beyond our reality’ and has processed an understanding of the hierarchy levels that can be found in this phenomena.
Orbs show physical information, and also intellectual information, as Merlina will discuss in her presentation.
Are other realities also sending many messages to us, via crop circles and UFO sightings, as well as the plethora of orbs that appear all around the world?
The presentation will be for people being introduced to the orb phenomena for the first time, as well as for others, that are well informed, but would like to dig deeper.
Merlina will have a large power-point presentation and is happy to answer any questions.
Club Burwood
97 Burwood Road, Burwood
Saturday, 7 September 2024
1pm to 5pm
Admission: Members $15 / Non- members $20
Train: Turn right out of Burwood Burwood station and Club Burwood is on the opposite corner.
Car: $5 all day parking directly behind Club Burwood, at George Street Parking, 36 George Street, Burwood.
This will be a very interesting talk and maybe bring along any orb photos you may have captured.