Saturday, 1 February 2025
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Club Burwood
97 Burwood Road
Burwood, NSW (map)
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We will be looking at the recent spate of drone and orbs sightings worldwide. Steve Hiscocks will take us through the journey. He will be looking at the different types of drones and UAPs that have been sighted, as well as some exciting scientific evidence that can help explain what people are seeing. Has Trump given us adequate information or is there more to it?
Everyone will be welcome to contribute their thoughts and suggestions about what may be really happening.
After the break we will be showing a recent documentary.
Club Burwood
97 Burwood Road, Burwood
Saturday, 1 February, 2025
1 to 5pm
Admission: Members $15 / Non- members $20
CASH only – no card payments
Directions ( see map below):
Train: Exit right from Burwood Station and Club Burwood is on the opposite corner.
Car: $5 all day parking behind Club Burwood @ 36 George Street, Burwood.
We are looking forward to hosting our first meeting of 2025. Will be good to catch up with you all and discuss the all the recent events … so much to talk about.
Also, hope you can join us for drinks / dinner after the meeting.
Kind regards
UFOR Committee and Support Team, Maree, Leslie, Paul, Rudi, Skye and Steve.