UFO Sighting Guestbook

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423 entries.
Kara Kara from Sydney wrote on 1 October 2019 at 12:12 pm
On an early November morning my husband and I were driving across the newly opened Hawkesbury Valley way bridge to work in 2007. It was before 5am we saw a bright light slowly falling from the sky. I laughed and said to him to make a wish. It took about a minute if that to reach the horizon. Where it flashed back up into the sky quickly. We were both dumbfounded. My husband is now convinced we saw a UFO.
On an early November morning my husband and I were driving across the newly opened Hawkesbury Valley way bridge to work in 2007. It was before 5am we saw a bright light slowly falling from the sky. I laughed and said to him to make a wish. It took about a minute if that to reach the horizon. Where it flashed back up into the sky quickly. We were both dumbfounded. My husband is now convinced we saw a UFO.... Collapse
KA KA from Sydney wrote on 22 September 2019 at 11:10 am
Driving along the Cumberland Highway between Canley Heights to Fairfield, in Sydney NSW at around 6.30pm 21 Sept 2019 when a group of us in the car saw a bright red light hovering completely still in the north western side of the sky. It was completely still, we stopped the car to observe it to make sure it didn't move. We ruled out every suggestion that it could've been a plane, helicopter, star etc. It was too large and too bright to meet any of those characteristics. It did not flash and there was no sign of it shimmering or having any sort of extended rays. It was just a big bright red orb of light that was clear and completely still. I thought it would've been on the news today, but it doesn't appear to have been mentioned anywhere.
Driving along the Cumberland Highway between Canley Heights to Fairfield, in Sydney NSW at around 6.30pm 21 Sept 2019 when a group of us in the car saw a bright red light hovering completely still in the north western side of the sky. It was completely still, we stopped the car to observe it to make sure it didn't move. We ruled out every suggestion that it could've been a plane, helicopter, star etc. It was too large and too bright to meet any of those characteristics. It did not flash and there was no sign of it shimmering or having any sort of extended rays. It was just a big bright red orb of light that was clear and completely still. I thought it would've been on the news today, but it doesn't appear to have been mentioned anywhere.... Collapse
JUDITH JUDITH from Mosman wrote on 22 September 2019 at 7:50 am
Last night around 10.15 I saw lights in the sky. They were white and diffused. There was a central light larger than the others which emanated out as if it were exploding with no noise, then around the perimeter of the last emanation smaller round white diffused lights appeared. They became animated and directed, moving extremely quickly in random patterns and seemed to be responding to one another. This performance kept repeating over 20 or so minutes with a small gap between each explosion. The smaller lights were so quick and maneuvered with such skill I felt like it must be advanced technology. I'm really keen to know if anyone else saw this. Someone must have. It was so daring and they weren't trying to hide.
Last night around 10.15 I saw lights in the sky. They were white and diffused. There was a central light larger than the others which emanated out as if it were exploding with no noise, then around the perimeter of the last emanation smaller round white diffused lights appeared. They became animated and directed, moving extremely quickly in random patterns and seemed to be responding to one another. This performance kept repeating over 20 or so minutes with a small gap between each explosion. The smaller lights were so quick and maneuvered with such skill I felt like it must be advanced technology. I'm really keen to know if anyone else saw this. Someone must have. It was so daring and they weren't trying to hide.... Collapse
Logan Sperling Logan Sperling from Adelaide wrote on 21 September 2019 at 5:23 pm
@gary cooper. I saw the same light mate and I managed to film it in night vision. Guess what, it wasn't only 1 blue light, it had 7 white lights floating around it. At the time I saw it it was in roughly in the Henley Beach vicinity. Then a helicopter I reckon went to go check out what was going on and they all started to scatter in the same direction and dim in brightness. I see these with night vision every night, but this time there was 1 bright main craft which was blue and the other 7 were dimmer white. Not joke, I reckon I filmed a mothership, I still cant believe what was filmed. If I get time I'll be uploading to youtube tonight. My channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0KEQmsVc8WPsZ8ICOyrudg if you are interested.
@gary cooper. I saw the same light mate and I managed to film it in night vision. Guess what, it wasn't only 1 blue light, it had 7 white lights floating around it. At the time I saw it it was in roughly in the Henley Beach vicinity. Then a helicopter I reckon went to go check out what was going on and they all started to scatter in the same direction and dim in brightness. I see these with night vision every night, but this time there was 1 bright main craft which was blue and the other 7 were dimmer white. Not joke, I reckon I filmed a mothership, I still cant believe what was filmed. If I get time I'll be uploading to youtube tonight. My channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0KEQmsVc8WPsZ8ICOyrudg if you are interested.... Collapse
gary cooper gary cooper from adelaide wrote on 13 September 2019 at 10:59 am
12th september 2019 went out the back garden for a smoke between 7 and 8 pm. Can't remember the exact time looking up at the night sky due south saw what I thought was a meteorite shooting from the south going north west thought it was going to burn out after a few seconds but it just stopped dead. It was flashing bright blue light, actually looked like and arrow pointing down. It stayed there for about 5 seconds then slowly moved west then just shot off at incredible speed and disappeared. The whole thing probably lasted 20 to 30 seconds, checked the papers the next morning sure that someone else saw it, but to no mention at all, strange.
12th september 2019 went out the back garden for a smoke between 7 and 8 pm. Can't remember the exact time looking up at the night sky due south saw what I thought was a meteorite shooting from the south going north west thought it was going to burn out after a few seconds but it just stopped dead. It was flashing bright blue light, actually looked like and arrow pointing down. It stayed there for about 5 seconds then slowly moved west then just shot off at incredible speed and disappeared. The whole thing probably lasted 20 to 30 seconds, checked the papers the next morning sure that someone else saw it, but to no mention at all, strange.... Collapse
Trish Trish from Blue Mountains wrote on 12 September 2019 at 11:44 am
I saw a reddish star which I thought was an old star as appeared to be winking out. Then I realised it was moving, up, then to right and then up and left. I thought it was turning when it went sideways. This was on Wednesday. Then on Friday at 12.am I saw a bigger one. This one then seemed t be either a cluster or several UFO'S together or breaking apart. As I watched a cloud started coming up and obscured it and, as it disappeared behind it the light coming from it was reflected on the cloud behind it, so that it reflected like spotlights. It was very bright. My friends think I'm hallucinating. Both of these sightings were over the Blue Mountains.
I saw a reddish star which I thought was an old star as appeared to be winking out. Then I realised it was moving, up, then to right and then up and left. I thought it was turning when it went sideways. This was on Wednesday. Then on Friday at 12.am I saw a bigger one. This one then seemed t be either a cluster or several UFO'S together or breaking apart. As I watched a cloud started coming up and obscured it and, as it disappeared behind it the light coming from it was reflected on the cloud behind it, so that it reflected like spotlights. It was very bright. My friends think I'm hallucinating. Both of these sightings were over the Blue Mountains.... Collapse
Katie Katie from Mossvale wrote on 6 September 2019 at 8:33 pm
Hi. I've been here for the last week. I've always had experiences. So I heard a high pitched ringing in ears decided to head outside. The last 7 nights I've seen something observing . The first one was what I thought a star, but it was flashing rapidly, changing colours a bright green, orange, back to White , I also saw at least 5 or 6 very very low flying craft looked saucer shaped at low speed, then disappeared, tonight I felt something, an urge to go out looking out my window in Derby St. I saw a hovering diamond shaped craft blinking in and out then changing colours I got my camera, then it vanished, as I looked up again its moving, but bright red reappears just above rooftops very very low. On Sun night I also saw a fiery ball of fire looked like a crash, but it just disappeared after flying above rooftops , reappeared and started hovering slowly across sky, turning red. Now I actually have footage so it would mean the world if someone saw what I saw. I'm psychic/Empath perhaps that's why I see these? If anyone is interested don't hesitate to email and I'll send you my footage it won't be a waste of time . My email is harringtonkatie310@gmail.com.
Hi. I've been here for the last week. I've always had experiences. So I heard a high pitched ringing in ears decided to head outside. The last 7 nights I've seen something observing . The first one was what I thought a star, but it was flashing rapidly, changing colours a bright green, orange, back to White , I also saw at least 5 or 6 very very low flying craft looked saucer shaped at low speed, then disappeared, tonight I felt something, an urge to go out looking out my window in Derby St. I saw a hovering diamond shaped craft blinking in and out then changing colours I got my camera, then it vanished, as I looked up again its moving, but bright red reappears just above rooftops very very low. On Sun night I also saw a fiery ball of fire looked like a crash, but it just disappeared after flying above rooftops , reappeared and started hovering slowly across sky, turning red. Now I actually have footage so it would mean the world if someone saw what I saw. I'm psychic/Empath perhaps that's why I see these? If anyone is interested don't hesitate to email and I'll send you my footage it won't be a waste of time . My email is harringtonkatie310@gmail.com.... Collapse
Francisco Francisco from Merrylands wrote on 6 September 2019 at 12:46 pm
1986 on way back home from work in the evening. Followed by white light all the way to Railway Terrace and Merrylands Road. Driver pulled car over. Two other occupants left car to look at source of light which hovered 10-15 metres away in the sky. The UFO appeared to be black/non reflective. An oblong with a slit of light dividing it in two, was approximately 20m long by 6-4m high. Hovered silently in erratic motion like a feather buffeted by the breeze making it's motion unnatural looking. Arrived back home, many hours lost. We do not remember the trip home.
1986 on way back home from work in the evening. Followed by white light all the way to Railway Terrace and Merrylands Road. Driver pulled car over. Two other occupants left car to look at source of light which hovered 10-15 metres away in the sky. The UFO appeared to be black/non reflective. An oblong with a slit of light dividing it in two, was approximately 20m long by 6-4m high. Hovered silently in erratic motion like a feather buffeted by the breeze making it's motion unnatural looking. Arrived back home, many hours lost. We do not remember the trip home.... Collapse
Rick Rick from Sydney wrote on 3 September 2019 at 11:28 am
I saw a ufo at 10.30am September 3rd 2019 over Mona Vale beach. It had a light bulb kind of shape, about the size/shape of a parachute jumper, shiny, floated across the sky silently east to west. Took a very grainy photo on my phone, sent it to my friend, looked up and it was gone.
I saw a ufo at 10.30am September 3rd 2019 over Mona Vale beach. It had a light bulb kind of shape, about the size/shape of a parachute jumper, shiny, floated across the sky silently east to west. Took a very grainy photo on my phone, sent it to my friend, looked up and it was gone.... Collapse
Adrian Adrian from Sydney wrote on 2 September 2019 at 12:44 am
I'd like to add to my previous submission that the objects appear to be very high up, so I don’t suspect drones. But who knows really.
I'd like to add to my previous submission that the objects appear to be very high up, so I don’t suspect drones. But who knows really.... Collapse
Adrian Adrian from Sydney wrote on 2 September 2019 at 12:39 am
Hi, just look out towards Sydney CBD area and I can see various small green and red flashing objects seemingly hovering in place. I used binoculars and can definately confirm it isn’t stars, I don’t think it would be drones as there’s quite a few and also looking in opposite (north) direction there are a few more (albeit much less). Anyone have any idea what they are?
Hi, just look out towards Sydney CBD area and I can see various small green and red flashing objects seemingly hovering in place. I used binoculars and can definately confirm it isn’t stars, I don’t think it would be drones as there’s quite a few and also looking in opposite (north) direction there are a few more (albeit much less). Anyone have any idea what they are?... Collapse
Dee Dee from Shoal Bay wrote on 28 August 2019 at 7:16 pm
I saw two bright lights appear in the northern sky from Port Stephens, NSW, at approx 6.40pm. One was considerably brighter than anything else in the sky. Both lights travelled in a northerly direction at the same speed, keeping the same distance apart all the time. As they moved north, they faded away. They were both white in colour. The brighter of the two was considerably brighter than anything else in the sky when the lights first appeared.
I saw two bright lights appear in the northern sky from Port Stephens, NSW, at approx 6.40pm. One was considerably brighter than anything else in the sky. Both lights travelled in a northerly direction at the same speed, keeping the same distance apart all the time. As they moved north, they faded away. They were both white in colour. The brighter of the two was considerably brighter than anything else in the sky when the lights first appeared.... Collapse
GEN GEN from Sydney wrote on 24 August 2019 at 7:14 pm
24/08/19 My colleague and I witnessed what looked like satellites moving at the same speed approx one hands width apart from each other. They were white in colour and very distant but travelling at steady speed. No flashing lights. Approx 14.30pm. They were travelling over Sydney and were not in the satellite radar or the air traffic control radar. Very strange. Anyone else see this today?
24/08/19 My colleague and I witnessed what looked like satellites moving at the same speed approx one hands width apart from each other. They were white in colour and very distant but travelling at steady speed. No flashing lights. Approx 14.30pm. They were travelling over Sydney and were not in the satellite radar or the air traffic control radar. Very strange. Anyone else see this today?... Collapse
Lea Lea from Nowra wrote on 21 August 2019 at 6:55 pm
Jean Brook - Just wanted you to know that those UFO's you saw on NYE 99 were seen over a wide area on the South Coast as well. I saw them with family in Nowra and I was talking to a work colleague about it one day and she also saw them that night at Jervis Bay. Just as you described, with the very erratic movements.
Jean Brook - Just wanted you to know that those UFO's you saw on NYE 99 were seen over a wide area on the South Coast as well. I saw them with family in Nowra and I was talking to a work colleague about it one day and she also saw them that night at Jervis Bay. Just as you described, with the very erratic movements.... Collapse
Leonie Leonie from L AAKE MACQUARIE wrote on 12 August 2019 at 8:43 pm
10 mins ago... from an elevated position in Caves Beach looking north towards Newcastle and Port Stephens over the ocean flashing lights over a broad area. Very bright and fast... can't say if it was many or just a few and it seemed in response to each other. They moved north for a bit then the flashing decreased in frequency and gone... would not have mentioned it except about 2 mins later 3 high altitude jets in a triangular formation flew the exact path they followed. It's now 8.40pm. It was a freaky thing to see. Definitely not fireworks as my estimate of spread of the lights would be 40 to 50 km's.
10 mins ago... from an elevated position in Caves Beach looking north towards Newcastle and Port Stephens over the ocean flashing lights over a broad area. Very bright and fast... can't say if it was many or just a few and it seemed in response to each other. They moved north for a bit then the flashing decreased in frequency and gone... would not have mentioned it except about 2 mins later 3 high altitude jets in a triangular formation flew the exact path they followed. It's now 8.40pm. It was a freaky thing to see. Definitely not fireworks as my estimate of spread of the lights would be 40 to 50 km's.... Collapse
Matt Matt from Mossvale wrote on 10 August 2019 at 7:41 pm
I watched 4 roundish looking craft moving east to west then up and down taking turns , emitting white lights then turning to red at different times; one headed west not be seen again then another did the same thing then the other two went on doing these weird movements. My wife had a look and thought they were very strange also, then the other two headed west together. Very fast and were gone.
I watched 4 roundish looking craft moving east to west then up and down taking turns , emitting white lights then turning to red at different times; one headed west not be seen again then another did the same thing then the other two went on doing these weird movements. My wife had a look and thought they were very strange also, then the other two headed west together. Very fast and were gone.... Collapse
Jean brook Jean brook from Sydney wrote on 1 August 2019 at 6:39 pm
Hi believers, I have always wanted to find somewhere where I could tell my story about my first and only sighting thus far. It was New Years Eve the turn of the new millennium the year was 1999 about to turn into 2000, so all the hype about the Y2K bug was rampant !!! I was living at Kingscliff beach with my two daughters who were 11 and 9, so were on the beach just about ready to do the count down 10, 9,8,7 etc...Then I looked up in the distance not too far away above the natural curve of the coastline there were two balls of light-orangey red in colour, one was to the far right the other was to the far left.The right one was stationary and I'm yelling out to the kids saying "quick quick look at this", but my eldest wanted to play so Elijah the youngest and I were just staring at what was a ufo, we were watching this light heading towards the stationary one, we were gobsmacked it was headed straight to it looking like it was going to crash into it, then at the very last split second as it was about to crash into it, it darted under it and sped off so fast, then the stationary light split into two lights and the sped off in the other direction like 45 degrees between the two objects as the sped off.so the right stationary light split into two lights and sped off to the left and the left light that was headed to crash into the stationary lite sped off to the right as well...we both just stood there with our jaws dropped open dahhh...It was not a plane, I knew that as I could clearly see Coolangatta airport in the... Read more
Hi believers, I have always wanted to find somewhere where I could tell my story about my first and only sighting thus far. It was New Years Eve the turn of the new millennium the year was 1999 about to turn into 2000, so all the hype about the Y2K bug was rampant !!! I was living at Kingscliff beach with my two daughters who were 11 and 9, so were on the beach just about ready to do the count down 10, 9,8,7 etc...Then I looked up in the distance not too far away above the natural curve of the coastline there were two balls of light-orangey red in colour, one was to the far right the other was to the far left.The right one was stationary and I'm yelling out to the kids saying "quick quick look at this", but my eldest wanted to play so Elijah the youngest and I were just staring at what was a ufo, we were watching this light heading towards the stationary one, we were gobsmacked it was headed straight to it looking like it was going to crash into it, then at the very last split second as it was about to crash into it, it darted under it and sped off so fast, then the stationary light split into two lights and the sped off in the other direction like 45 degrees between the two objects as the sped off.so the right stationary light split into two lights and sped off to the left and the left light that was headed to crash into the stationary lite sped off to the right as well...we both just stood there with our jaws dropped open dahhh...It was not a plane, I knew that as I could clearly see Coolangatta airport in the distance watching planes coming and going all night...I had never seen anything that looked like this or sped off like this before to this day Elijah and I find bring it up throughout the years trying to work out what we had seen. Right on the countdown to the new millennium 2000, What a start to a new century !!... Collapse
Phil Tindale Phil Tindale from Adelaide wrote on 27 July 2019 at 6:33 pm
Many years ago my brother and I witnessed a UFO chase that resulted in one of the craft crashing into a tree. Two other witnesses were involved. By the time authorities arrived, the craft had taken flight. It left behind significant damage to a tree which still bears visible scars today. The event began shortly after my twin brother and I went to bed. He called out to me from his room when he noticed a bright yellow object bobbing around at the end of our valley. We watched for several minutes with interest, and recognised that this object was certainly not behaving like conventional aircraft. Shortly a second object appeared which emitted a red light. It approached the yellow object. Both had a slightly larger apparent size and brightness of Venus. The red object zoomed up to the yellow object, stopped and reversed, and then did it again as if to prompt a reaction. And it got one! The Yellow object took off with the red object in close pursuit. They zoomed around, zigzagging across the sky with extreme speed and acceleration, like a couple of blow fly’s on steroids. The craft involved seemed to be at odds with each other. The running craft occasionally became “stuck” in mid- flight as if caught by some invisible force. It shook back and forth until it freed itself, and then the chase continued. The craft performed impossible manoeuvres with instant zigzag turns and accelerations. This went on for approximately 15 minutes until eventually one disappeared behind the hill where it crashed. The Crash was reported by Daryl Browne, 7th or 8th of Feb 1980. He described hearing a load crunch. He went outside to see what had happened. When he went around to the back of the house where the noise... Read more
Many years ago my brother and I witnessed a UFO chase that resulted in one of the craft crashing into a tree. Two other witnesses were involved. By the time authorities arrived, the craft had taken flight. It left behind significant damage to a tree which still bears visible scars today. The event began shortly after my twin brother and I went to bed. He called out to me from his room when he noticed a bright yellow object bobbing around at the end of our valley. We watched for several minutes with interest, and recognised that this object was certainly not behaving like conventional aircraft. Shortly a second object appeared which emitted a red light. It approached the yellow object. Both had a slightly larger apparent size and brightness of Venus. The red object zoomed up to the yellow object, stopped and reversed, and then did it again as if to prompt a reaction. And it got one! The Yellow object took off with the red object in close pursuit. They zoomed around, zigzagging across the sky with extreme speed and acceleration, like a couple of blow fly’s on steroids. The craft involved seemed to be at odds with each other. The running craft occasionally became “stuck” in mid- flight as if caught by some invisible force. It shook back and forth until it freed itself, and then the chase continued. The craft performed impossible manoeuvres with instant zigzag turns and accelerations. This went on for approximately 15 minutes until eventually one disappeared behind the hill where it crashed. The Crash was reported by Daryl Browne, 7th or 8th of Feb 1980. He described hearing a load crunch. He went outside to see what had happened. When he went around to the back of the house where the noise had come from, he could hear a tree creaking and groaning. Upon pointing his torch into its upper branches he saw a yellow craft measuring around 8 meters in length. He described it as a speedboat shape. It was wedged between the broken branches, and causing the tree to groan under its weight. A branch measuring around 30cm in diameter had been knocked from the tree. Daryl called the authorities, but the craft managed to take flight before they arrived, leaving no wreckage, only damage to the tree as evidence. You can Google his version of events for more detail. One website containing his story is called Project 1947 by Loren E. Gross – page 20 I have since spoken with Daryl’s family, confirming that he lived at the location where we saw the craft disappear I have examined the tree and the damage.... Collapse
Jack Jack from Geelong wrote on 25 July 2019 at 9:25 pm
About 2wks ago was standing in my back yard at approx 9.30pm I looked up at the stars and noticed a very bright flash like a strobe light. It was a little west of the southern Cross, I continued to watch it and then noticed a little south of it was two more doing the same but not as bright. Every time the main one flashed the other two would flash as well almost instantly. Also it probably doesn't mean much nowadays but in January 1990 I was living in Narooma nsw, I was lying on the beach and looked up and saw a silver disc shaped object slowly following the coastline south. It wasn't that high up and at one stage came to a complete stop then started moving again. A smallish cloud was moving north up the coast and the object continued moving south until it was directly above the cloud. The strange thing is the small cloud continued to move north and I never saw it again. There was no other cloud in the sky and I can only assume it followed the cloud buck up the coast. I watched the object for over ten minutes and have no doubt whatsoever as to what I saw.
About 2wks ago was standing in my back yard at approx 9.30pm I looked up at the stars and noticed a very bright flash like a strobe light. It was a little west of the southern Cross, I continued to watch it and then noticed a little south of it was two more doing the same but not as bright. Every time the main one flashed the other two would flash as well almost instantly. Also it probably doesn't mean much nowadays but in January 1990 I was living in Narooma nsw, I was lying on the beach and looked up and saw a silver disc shaped object slowly following the coastline south. It wasn't that high up and at one stage came to a complete stop then started moving again. A smallish cloud was moving north up the coast and the object continued moving south until it was directly above the cloud. The strange thing is the small cloud continued to move north and I never saw it again. There was no other cloud in the sky and I can only assume it followed the cloud buck up the coast. I watched the object for over ten minutes and have no doubt whatsoever as to what I saw.... Collapse
Andy Andy from SYDNEY wrote on 25 July 2019 at 8:26 pm
I was in Byron Bay last weekend with 5 friends. we had a fire on the beach after sunset and saw many small bright red lights flashing 20 degrees above the horizon. The appeared in groups of 2 or 3. At times one would disappear and sometimes another would appear in a different location. They appeared to move to the north although some moved to the south. The event lasted an hour and a half from around 6.30 till before 8pm. Also saw 3 much larger white balls stationary to the south which did not flicker and would turn off and then appear in a different location. We went to the beach again on Monday night and saw the red lights again (counted 16) at various times. A pair of them seemed to be joined togeather and then after travelling parallel, one turned in a 90 degrees angle for a period and then disappeared.
I was in Byron Bay last weekend with 5 friends. we had a fire on the beach after sunset and saw many small bright red lights flashing 20 degrees above the horizon. The appeared in groups of 2 or 3. At times one would disappear and sometimes another would appear in a different location. They appeared to move to the north although some moved to the south. The event lasted an hour and a half from around 6.30 till before 8pm. Also saw 3 much larger white balls stationary to the south which did not flicker and would turn off and then appear in a different location. We went to the beach again on Monday night and saw the red lights again (counted 16) at various times. A pair of them seemed to be joined togeather and then after travelling parallel, one turned in a 90 degrees angle for a period and then disappeared.... Collapse