Payment for UFO Research (NSW) Membership – Applications and Renewals

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Payment Form

Please select your membership type and enter your details, then click the PayPal button, after correctly answering the Spambot blocker question and agree to our Terms and Conditions. You may use your PayPal account for payment. Alternatively, pay with the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard and American Express, by clicking the, Pay with a Card button, on the PayPal account login screen. Please be patient as it may take a few seconds for the payment to be processed. The only information we collect is the form data, the payment process is securely processed by PayPal.

UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated Annual (12 months) Membership Application and Renewal

Select membership type:

Select membership application or renewal:

Please enter your details below

Total: $

Payments will appear as 'PAYPAL *UFORESEARCH' on your account statement.

Spambot blocker question

8 - 5 =

 I agree to the Terms and Conditions

Validating your payment information, please be patient...
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Validating your payment information, please be patient...
Waiting for PayPal...