Saturday, 4 March 2023
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

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For our March meeting we are very pleased to be welcoming MEGAN HAZELWOOD back to be our guest speaker. Megan has previously given a wonderful presentation on Crop Circles.

This time around Megan will be presenting information on the recent astonishing behaviours of our sun. Both which are available and verifiable. Not only the sun in our solar system, but the sun in the centre of our Milky Way Galaxy (Sagittarius A).
The sun`s behaviour has scientists stunned over the unpredictable and unprecedented anomalies, declaring that our whole understanding of space physics needs to be revised. There are many satellites imaging our suns in varying spectrums, providing indelible evidence for things which our current understandings say shouldn`t exist.

The Presentation includes:

  • What some scientists and researchers predict about the evidence and the possible consequences for Earth.
  • What is already evidenced on Earth based on the predictions of the Mayan Calendar, and the understanding of many ancient cultures.
  • What did the ancient indigenous cultures of the world understand about the Sun?
  • Could this enhance our present understanding for the times we are in?

The Mayans called their Calendar “The Sunstone Calendar”, which demonstrates a far more sophisticated cosmology than we can readily comprehend. Is it Hollywood which bestowed the term “Doomsday” Calendar?

Megan will also discuss the tremendous change, we rapidly are undergoing, in every sphere of influence, and on every scale, all according to the harmonic synchronisation of the Mayan Calendar, and the understanding of many ancient cultures.

Club Burwood
97 Burwood Road, Burwood
4 March 2023
1pm to 5pm
$15 Admission Members
$20 Non-Members (Cash at the door)

Please note for your interest: In October, as an extra meeting, we hoping to host Mark Devlin (UK). Mark was to do a presentation for UFOR in 2020 but was cancelled last minute due to the Pandemic.
Mark is now keen to fund himself, to keep good on his promise, and has sent this short request to enable his trip to Aussie.

I hope Mark has success as I believe his message is an important one for us all.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the March meeting.

The UFOR Committee / Support Team – Maree, Lesley, Paul, Rudi and Steve