Suzy Hansen from New Zealand
Saturday, 5 June 2021
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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Suzy Hansen from New Zealand
Saturday 5th June 2021
…via Zoom
For our June meeting we are zooming in SUZY HANSEN from New Zealand.
…a not to be missed presentation.
(PowerPoint and speech followed by Q&A)
- Suzy will give a quick update on recent NZ UFO sightings
- Are we seeing soft disclosure or sudden revelations? What are the ramifications?
- Unfolding predictions made by the ETs to groups of humans on craft pertaining to earth changes, disclosure, contactees’/experiencers’ roles, the ETs’ advice and warnings (much of this Suzy has not talked about before, and she feels the time is right to do so)
- Why are UFO sightings now on the up-swing?
- Advanced technology continuing to emerge – is it ET sourced? Suzy will describe medical/psychological ET technology she has not spoken about before
- Experiencers’/contactees’ concerns for humanity at present: what can we do?
- Q&A
Later Suzy will be joined by Sheryl Gottshall (President UFO Research Queensland ) to talk about a recently launched global UFO research organization. Suzy is the New Zealand representative and Sheryl the Australian representative.
The event will start at promptly 1pm so please arrive 12.45.
We only have 34 places available due to COVID restrictions on venues.
To secure your place you need to book and pay using the link below to secure admission. The cost is $20 per person. Payments can be made from your PayPal account or credit/debit card.
Should all places be taken please check back later in the week, for cancellations.
Any enquires to
Club Burwood
97 Burwood Road, Burwood
12.45pm (for 1pm) to 5 pm
$20 Admission (online payment)
These requirements beyond Club Burwood’s control, and patience is requested.
- All attendees need to sign in through Service NSW Covid Check-in and a temperature check upon entry.
- All attendees must join up as a member of the Club, if not already ($2 membership fee)
- No External Food/ Drinks allowed in our Venue.
Is going to be a great couple of hours with Suzy, with time later to discuss the information and expand into any other recent topics of interest, so please join us.
Maree and the UFOR team.
Event Details
Saturday, 5 June 2021
1 to 5pm
Club Burwood
97 Burwood Road, Burwood, New South Wales 2134 (map)