Saturday, 4 May 2024
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Club Burwood
97 Burwood Road
Burwood, NSW (map)
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Hi Everyone
For our May meeting, we are pleased to have, James Bartley, speak on Alien encounters. He will be focusing on the military connection (Milab) and the Reptilian influence.
The lecture will be going down the rabbit hole, so please be warned!
Bio – James Bartley
James has been investigating, and researching, Alien encounters, including the military connection and ET technology, for over thirty years.
During this time, he has conducted in-depth investigations into the Reptilian overlordship and Reptilian abductions.
As well, James has given lectures in numerous places, including Las Vegas Nevada, San Diego California, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Memphis Tennessee and Sydney, Melbourne,
James has co-facilitated an Alien Abductee and Milab Support Group in Southern California and networks with Alien Abductees and Milabs, from all over the world.
Over his lifetime, James, has also had, ET and psychic experiences.
Overview of the Lecture.
James will discuss the Reptilian Overlordship and the Control of Planet Earth by Aliens and Reptilians in particular. This control system is also run in part by Mantis Beings as well as Greys, Insectoids and Subterranean Civilizations.
He will also discuss how the deep black military and aerospace community became subordinate to this alien control system and agenda.
James has a podcast called The Cosmic Switchboard Show
Welcome to The Cosmic Switchboard – The Cosmic Switchboard
and he also has a YouTube Channel
James Bartley – YouTube.
Club Burwood
97 Burwood Road, Burwood
Saturday, 4 May 2024
1pm to 5pm
Admission: Members $20
Non Members $25
Cash only please
Annual Membership
Single annual membership $15
Family $20
Concession $10
Looking forward to this lecture – will be an eye opener for many of us.
UFOR Team, Maree, Leslie, Paul, Rudi, Skye and Steve.