6 October 2018 Presentation by Warren Aston on Contactees
Saturday, 6 October 2018
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Club Burwood
97 Burwood Road
Burwood, NSW (map)
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The meeting will commence with a tribute to Mariana Flynn that will include a visual presentation.
Mariana was the President of UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated from 2011 to December 2017. Sadly she lost her battle with cancer on 11 September 2018.

Mariana Flynn in her Pymble home with her extensive library of books in the background
The title of Warren’s presentation will be, The Contactees – Why the tide is turning.
Warren Aston will update us on new findings on the famous UFO contactee, George Adamski. The original photos taken by Adamski have been enhanced and reveal the UFO craft, the mothership above and Orthon, clearly visible in detail.
Warren has recently edited three books by Michel Zirger that have turned him from a semi-skeptic to a believer.
A copy of the book, titled, George Adamski: The Toughest Job in the World [1], has been provided for download (3 MB) by Warren. To download your pdf copy please click the image of the book cover.
- Brunt, T. (2010). George Adamski: The Toughest Job in the World. Auckland, New Zealand: Vailima Press, p.53.
About the author, Michel Zirger
Investigation by French author and researcher Michel Zirger, has uncovered the truth about what really happened in the California Desert on 20 November 1952. This was when George Adamski and six witnesses encountered the humanoid extra-terrestrial, Orthon, who emerged from a UFO in broad daylight.
The photographs taken that day have been digitally enhanced to reveal the UFO, the large mothership floating above and intriguingly Orthon. The significance of this photographic validation of Adamski’s claims becomes clear as we progress through the authors own contacts with apparent extra-terrestrials in Japan, with witnesses present. Zirger’s journey toward accepting the simple reality that intelligent life throughout the universe.
His books are illustrated with rare and often unpublished images. The book, We Are Here! takes the reader on a journey that transcends mainstream Ufology. It is a journey that reveals significant new truths about humanity and our place in the universe.
Meeting entry is $20 for members and $25 for non-members.
The Club is near to Burwood Railway Station.
There is $5 parking at the Wilson car park directly behind the club.