4 August 2018 Annual General Meeting and Presentation by Jaimie Leonarder
Saturday, 4 August 2018
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Club Burwood
97 Burwood Road
Burwood, NSW (map)
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This meeting will start with our Annual General Meeting (AGM). There will be a report by the Vice President and Treasurer. This will be followed by the nomination and election of the 2018/2019 committee members.
Jaimie who will be our MC for the meeting. He will present a range of documentaries of recent happenings related to the UFO subject.
These will include:
- Donald Trump’s recent announcement of a sixth independent branch of the US military called the Space Force. The branches of the military will now be the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Space Force.
- The latest from Tom Delonge’s, To The Stars Academy.
- What is happening with archaeological discoveries, found out of place and defying explanation? Could these potentially challenge conventional history?
- Update on world wide UFO sightings.
- Some recent film trailers about UFOs and related subjects.
There will also be plenty of time for audience participation. We would love to have a few of you tell us about your experiences. Please keep your talk to ten minutes so others too can participate.
Meeting entry is free and visitors are welcome.
The Club is near to Burwood Railway Station.
There is $5 parking at the Wilson car park directly behind the club.