3 March 2018 Presentation by Kristian Moore

Saturday, 3 March 2018
12:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club

117 Ryedale Road
West Ryde, New South Wales 2114 (map)

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3 March 2018 Presentation by Kristian Moore

This presentation by Kris Moore will be about sustainable living in the 21 century.

Kris is known to some of you, since our group has been to his property at Dubbo, NSW for sky-watches. He also spoke at a meeting in February 2017.

He and his wife, Melanie and their two children have been living off the electricity grid since 2014.  Kris generates all the electricity, on his property, from solar panels and has designed and built an eco-friendly home that is powered by this electricity.

The topics that will be covered by Kris are, how you can live off the power grid and the steps required to be fully self-sufficient.  The discussion will include, in detail, the selection of site location, water/waste management, technology requirements and how to grow your own food.

He has had contact with extra-terrestrials, since the age of six, resulting in a life-changing experience.  This experience lead him and his family, to sustainability and harmony with the natural environment.  Kris will share this journey with you, including the implications it has for the Earth and its inhabitants.

There will be a wealth of interesting information provided by Kris.  He has recommended that you bring a notebook or laptop so you can take notes.

Meeting entry is $15 for members and $20 for non-members.

There is free parking beneath the club. The West Ryde Railway Station is near the club.